Mystic Tan HD

Welcome to the most famous sunless tanning system in the world today, the Mystic Tan HD! From the moment you enter the warm, inviting Mystic Tan HD booth, your skin is infused with heat, which allows for maximum absorption, creating a deeper, longer lasting high-definition color. A sweeping side-to-side airbrush travels gently from head to toe, applying precise amounts of your desired level of color, while a flow of warm air ensures that the skin remains dry and remain comfortable.

The Mystic Tan HD utilizes personal single-use Mystic solution cartridges (Light, Medium or Dark) and additives (Single Boost, Triple Boost, Accelerator and Aromas) that can be blended to create the perfect combination for all skin types and desired sunless tanning results.


Step into one of our Mystic booths and experience the ultimate in sunless tanning. Mystic is the first name in sunless tanning and continues to offer the world’s best sunless tanning system:

  • Heat optimizes absorption for a deeper, longer lasting tan and improves your overall sunless tanning experience with an inviting environment.

  • Drying accelerates DHA development which improves the application process and leaves your skin soft and smooth immediately after your sunless tanning session.

  • Patented MagneTan® Technology attracts the sunless tanning solution mist to every exposed surface of the skin.

  • Airbrush Technology is a patented spraying process with a sweeping side to side “custom airbrush” motion.

  • Personal Single Use Cartridge System gives you choices to easily customize your sunless tanning experience.

  • Semi-Transparent Wall System creates the feeling of an open air environment without sacrificing the feeling of privacy.

  • Exhaust Fan and Filter System quickly captures and removes excess spray particles during the spray session, and continuously replenishes the environment with fresh air.

  • Voice Automation guides clients step-by-step through the entire sunless tanning session.

Watch our Mystic Tan demonstration video:


evolv Sidekick

Welcome to the evolution in custom airbrush sunless tanning, the Evolv Sidekick! The first-ever, heat-infused custom airbrush sunless tanning system, developed by the professionals who brought you the world’s most recognized and trusted Sunless, Inc. brands, Mystic Tan HD and VersaSpa Pro.

The Evolv Sidekick combines advanced chemistry, ground-breaking engineering, and unparalleled convenience to deliver a specially-formulated, vitamin-enriched, fully-customizable, warm-my-skin, cool-my-senses, curl-my-toes, change-my-life, are-you-looking-at-me, of-course-you’re-looking-at-me sunless tanning application every time you turn it on!


Personalized and applied by our Grand Palms’ professional, trained and certified airbrush sunless tanning technicians, come experience the one and only warm spa-like sunless tanning application treatments with every airbrush spray pass. With Evolv, each treatment is infused with heat, and applied with targeted area application, creating even, long-lasting, customizable sunless tanning results for every skin type and tone.


Adjustable heat allows for personalized comfort levels.


A completely customized experience for every skin type and tone. Choose from two tanning solutions with unlimited levels of customized color, from a light glow to ultra dark, and everything in between. Further customize your session by adding a fragrance of your choice, and multiple levels of instant cosmetic color, as well as pre and post-tan treatment applications. In a hurry? Accelerate your tanning development with the Evolv accelerator additive!


The Evolv also offers you to enhance your tan with pinpoint targeted sunless spray applications, for custom contouring and sculpting. We can even create the illusion of abs, contoured muscles and a slimmer you!

Available at our Grand Palms Denver location, call for your Evolv appointment today: (303) 758-TANS (8267)


VersaPro Heated Sunless Spa

Welcome to the hottest trend in sunless tanning system, the VersaSpa Pro Heated Sunless Spa Series! Designed with a multitude of revolutionary features, the innovative VersaSpa Pro booth delivers the experience you would expect from a true professional custom air brush tan every time, but with the privacy of a spray booth and with sunless tanning results that are consistent, personalized and flawless.

With four sunless tanning color levels to choose from (Glow, Light, Medium or Dark) and other skin treatment options available, including Pre-sunless Skin Prep and Post-sunless Super Hydrating Moisturizer, clients can enjoy endless sunless tanning combinations each time they experience the VersaSpa Pro. Clients can even customize their VersaSpa Pro session to provide them with extra dark legs or face!

Step inside the amazing VersaSpa Pro to experience the future of sunless tanning:

  • Next generation spray technology delivers consistent sunless tanning spray application to ensure a flawless tan every time.

  • Heated Sunless System pampers users with a comfortable, spa-like experience.

  • Height Sensor Technology ensures pinpoint accuracy and full coverage for all body types, including clients who only want to tan their legs or face.

  • Built-in intelligence literally talks clients through the sunless tanning experience with voice guided instructions and additional visual instructions if needed.

  • Ability to upgrade each session, including adding additional sunless tanning applications, additional skin treatments, or color boosts for legs or face.

  • Endless customization options, with four sunless tanning color levels that range from a hint of color to a deep, rich dark bronze, and other skin treatments, which include skin prep and moisturizer, The VersaSpa Pro can meet the demands of all skin types and desired sunless tanning results.

In summary and quite simply, the VersaSpa Pro delivers flawless, long-lasting, so-good-it-looks-like-Mother-Nature color via a heated application that makes every sunless tanning session feel like a warm, inviting spa-like experience that you’ll want to return to again and again.

Watch our VersaPro demonstration video:

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